Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Everything is topsy-turvy!

At least, for these two/four dollies!

For the wee lasses ~ just for Sundays!

They made me smile!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I've named her Wilma...

...after Gentleman Farmer's grandmother who made
the little half apron that was my inspiration.
While pretty, I don't find half aprons to be
very useful. I need a full apron to protect my
top from getting soiled! (I wear my aprons
as bibs while I am eating! ;~P ) I took elements from
several of my favorite vintage aprons
and designed Wilma!

I love the little chevrons at the bottom of the lighter
colored panels.

I mimicked the points with an inset on the bib front
and added just a touch of vintage rick~rack to
echo that zig-zag design.

Nice thick ties in the back for a generous bow!

Vintage style fabrics!

Buttons at waist if you want to have straps...

...or can be tied at the neck.

All seams are completely finished off!

Wilma is going to Lady Farmers Market today!
An E-Pattern is in the planning stage, too!