I know, I know! You are all thinking, "Doesn't she have any other fabric!?"
This is the third item I have shown on this blog using this fabric,
but I just love it!
I love the old fashioned barkcloth styled floral pattern!
The cotton fabric is a nice heavy weight and it sews up so
I had all the photos ready for this post last night and
was going to finish it up today to put on, telling
you this apron was going to market. When I got online
to finish it up, this morning, in my inbox was the message that
this baby was already sold!
I'm going to show her to you anyway. 'Cuz you know I love the fabric
and I think this is the cutest pattern!
This is the 1950's Walt Disney Cinderella Apron styled by the
J.C. Penney Company. It was a gift for customers (who purchased fabric
or patterns, I suppose.) This was a pattern my grandmother had.
It has been looking beautiful on my shelf above my sewing machine
for a long time. I finally thought, "Why don't I sew an apron from it?"
I traced the pattern onto tissue ~ didn't want to cut into this vintage
pattern worth around $30!